Thursday, June 1, 2023

The effectiveness of Echolocation.

 Humans that use echolocation would emit sounds like mouth clicks, cane taps, finger snaps, footsteps and so on. This reflected sound would help the individual identify their surroundings and give them a 3-D mental image of the objects around them, they would then know how to move accordingly. The term for this would be Flash Sonar, the reflected sound/echoes would help an individual perceive three characteristics of an object. The three characteristics is: the height and width of the object, the depth of the object and location.

There is two types of sonar processing which is active and passive, passive sonar processing is like  hearing vague sounds of an object from the environment or yourself but you're not able to identify it so you will be able to sense the presence of an object but not know much details of the object. Most humans use passive sonar processing but active sonar processing is when the individual produce sound to perceive the specific details of an item, especially at farther distances. The brain would then have to differentiate the characteristics of the sound/echo that bounced of the object.


  1. You explained this very well! Echolocation is something that can be very beneficial to ones life but I feel as if not many people understand it or use it. I know when I thought of echolocation before this course it only related to animals but reading further about it I think differently.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post about echolocation. Just like the previous comment, I thought of echolocation as a way animals are able to navigate through the night. It is very interesting to read and learn how humans are actually using this ability to echolocate as well.

  3. I like how you explained echolocation. I think it is so cool that we as humans can be trained to do this and I think it shows just how powerful the brain can be. I loved that this topic is what the book started with because it drew me in by starting with something I thought was impossible.
