Sunday, June 5, 2022

Symmetry and Pheromones

     Often times when referring to symmetry we think of equal, similar parts to things. In our book, "The Extraordinary Powers of Our Five Senses," by Lawrence Rosenblum, it is introduced that we unconsciously smell others body symmetry. Research shows that males with higher symmetry have more intimate partners, and have better genetic health. Those with lower symmetry usually have worse physical and mental health along with IQ. Information acquired shows women during their cycles can smell the odor of physiological processes that relate to men's symmetry. The degree of a mans symmetry relates to how attractive a man is to a woman. A woman who isn't on her cycle will notice no difference or not have a preference.

    Pheromones also play their part in the processes. For instance the signaler pheromones send information to the sender regarding sex, kin, and potential of reproduction. Modulator pheromones are said to regulate mood and emotion to the receiving end. There are also releaser pheromones and they are chemically sent when detected by the same species. These can also influence our behavior on how we react to things.


  1. First, I must say thank you so much for sharing this post. Your post provide me with a better understanding of symmetry. Like when you look up the definition of symmetry its explains it means equal or identical half to make one object a whole. However dealing with our five sense in particular smell symmetry meaning is so much more fascinating to learn. For example symmetry help us gain understanding of our sense of how and why women are attracted to men and vice versa. This symmetry sense enhances arousals for both sexes. Upon activation of our symmetry sense we smell out scents known as pheromones' that we like and which make individuals sexually attractive to one another. Great post! I'm so eagerly ready and what to learn more on this. Especially when you stated that when women on there cycle this smell sense is even stronger to detect pheromones'.

  2. Hey Rhiannon! I also thought it was so cool how symmetry affects how we are percevied by other people. I have always known that symmetry is one of the biggest factor in our levels of attractiveness, but I never knew that symmetry affected our genetic and mental health. It is wild that some people are just born with better symmetry therefore leading to better outcomes for their health and social lives. No matter all the fancy technology we come up with in this world, at the end of the day we are just humans who are affected by our physiology so much more than we acknowledge. Our bodies and minds are still using the same processes that our oldest ancestors used to navigate this awesome world.

  3. Hi Rhiannon, I had no idea that symmetry had an effect on how attractive they can be on a more deeper level than physical. After reading about this, I was amazed on how we look affected us that much. I had no idea that how we look also affected mental health until now and with pheromones, it is crazy to think that symmetry had that big of an affect on us every day in our lives with many aspects in everyday life.

  4. Hello Rhiannon, I found it fascinating to see how symmetry shapes others' impressions of ourselves. I have always been aware that symmetry is a major component in how appealing we are perceived by others. The most widely accepted theory holds that physical symmetry reflects overall health. Our minds are built to perceive patterns, and symmetrical objects and images follow those laws with ease. Very nice informative post!
