Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Post 1 Perception


Figure A) displays when sound is presented, B) show Variation in ILDs with sound location.
C) Demonstrates under normal hearing conditions and D) shows when there is a hearing loss in the left ear.

  • The article I chose is about sound localization. The article includes recent studies about sound. According to the article, the studies have shown that adaptation and learning involve multiple mechanisms that operate at different timescales and stages of processing, with other sensory and motor-related inputs playing a key role. The information that is given in the article is very similar to what chapter 12 states about sound. The article touches on cues and principles of auditory grouping. I find it amazing how much there is to learn about sound. I feel as though I had never truly understood and thought about the process of sound. In class, we spoke about how a room can have an effect on the sound. 


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