Monday, November 19, 2018

Mental Health- Youper

Mental Health & Perception
By: Christina Juliano

Since Perception involves the interaction of our senses and our conscious mind, I wanted to draw attention to how it ties in with Mental Health.

Mental Health is on the rise as is the awareness and resources for it. Based on our experiences, we make decisions and judgments- just like what perception is. However, some of our thinking, processing, decisions, and judgments can be healthy or unhealthy. 

An application (available on Apple and Google Products), called Youper, it helps users become the best version of themselves. Sometimes mental and emotional health can make us feel blocked from our pursuit of happiness.

Youper, created by a psychiatrist, a software engineer, and a designer had the goal to be the first-responder for emotional health problems for people all over the world and to ensure that no one has to wait years to address their issues.

I believe this ties in with Perception because mental health truly has an impact on the decisions we make and the lifestyle choices we choose to have.

For more information on Youper, check out their website- as well as this video.

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