Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Symmetry (High and low symmetry)

 Symmetry is elements that are symmetrical to each other, whether it be shape, size, position, etc. It is said that symmetry is an important part of attractiveness and even scent tracking. Low symmetry is predictive of worse genetic, physical, mental health, cognitive skills, etc. It has been known that even in animals that low body symmetry causes problems. For example, in the text, See What I'm Saying: The Extraordinary Powers of Our Five Senses, it states, “It’s long been known that low body symmetry in animals can be a result of genetic abnormalities caused by in-breeding, mutations, and other factors. Low body symmetry in animals is predictive of slower growth rates, reduced longevity, and reduced fertility”(Rosenblum, n.d.). 

However, high symmetry equals size of body parts and are generally more attractive. For example, research has shown that men typically have more relationships. In the text, it said, “men with high symmetry (more equal wrists and ankles) typically have more sexual partners, quicker access to romantic partners, and induce more copulatory orgasms in their mates. So, it turns out that size does matter after all: bilateral equivalence of appendage size, that is”(Rosenblum, n.d.). It is interesting and true that humans are more attractive to symmetrical faces that asymmetrical.


  1. Hi Sungeetha, this is a really interesting topic. The part from the book made me laugh a little because I think it is crazy how many things we pick up on as humans without even knowing it. Little did I know I am judging everyone by their facial symmetry, now I feel bad! Great post.

  2. Hi,
    I agree with Nicole in how it was funny that we pick up on things such as symmetry. In a sense, we are trying to pick out a partner that has healthy genes, thus someone that has asymmetry could indicate health issues that we might not want to pass onto future generations. Symmetry does serve an evolutionary purpose.
