Wednesday, September 24, 2014

taste genes determine if you like the taste of alcohol 

In the link above is an article about whether or not taste genes determine if you like the taste of alcohol. In the article they talked about how there are 25 genes that make up taste. Only two of those taste buds are connected to tasting bitterness which is associated with alcohol. In the article they conduct a study were they found that there are 3 categories to the gene. The 3 categories for the gene are most sensitive, in between, and least sensitive to the bitterness of the aclohol. It's found that in the most sensitive gene group they have 134 drinks a year, versus 188 drinks per year for those who are in between, and nearly 290 drinks per year for those who have less sensitive genes. They suggested that people with the less sensitive gene are at risk for alcohol dependency.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is so interesting to know that gene sensitivity to bitterness can potentially linked to alcohol dependancy. I wonder if they do more research to for these genes would scientist be able to do tests at birth to determine if a baby would be at risk for alcohol dependance in the future.
