Monday, December 10, 2012

Perceptual research- Motor development (SONA Replacement)

While infants being to grow they start to figuring out things on their own and developing things like visual development, hearing development, and motor development. Motor development in infants  is where the child is learning the "controls" of their bodies when they need them and how to use them. From infants’ first spontaneous waving and kicking movements to the adaptive control of reaching, locomotion, and complex sport skills” The term motor behavior describes all movements of the body, including movements of the eyes and the infant’s developing control of the head. Gross motor actions include the movement of large limbs or the whole body, as in walking. Fine motor behaviors include the use of fingers to grasp and manipulate objects. Motor behaviors such as reaching, touching, and grasping are forms of exploratory activity. When the infant continues to grow they then have to decided how their going to use these skills to do activities such as pick things up, walk, crawl, hold things, etc. Early research in motor development involved detailed observational studies that documented the progression of infant motor skills and presented an understanding of infant motor behavior as a sequence of universal, biological programmed steps. Overall infants go through a lot to during these stages whether its trying to figure out or learn hearing skills, visual, and motor development.

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